New Songs

Hello We have New Songs here hot off the stream.

I am going by “Conscientious T. C.

These songs are tremendous,

inspirational, and cool.

Gospel Cd to follow

Where can you preview: At the link below.

Yesterday I began to observe what has surely beckoned a response from me as a writer and I say this very humbly. I have posted responses to various society events on and off but I said to this I was not. I guess I just cannot tell the writer in me when a message wil come forth with a response. So I hope inspiration or what ever comfort or guidance it may bring will be sufficient.
We need change,
Our United States of America,
For under God we are to govern,
Under God, we as a people, are suppose too have
our rights and freedoms, Our “Dreams,”
Our freedom of religious worship, provision of safety and
Granted equality, and opportunities to prosper, dream,
Supported moral choices, and freedom of our voices,
Not silenced and ignored,
As “Americans,” across this land,
A law-abiding government is supposed to be our stance,
Our stand,
Not the almighty dollar,
Not the green and white race,
Not dismissing of our existence, voices, or faces,
Our destiny, or any and all plans,
For our beings, our safety and dreams are what takes presidency,
And so, for all these actions comes strong rebukes,
And reprimands,
From God our “Father,”
And change He does and will demand,
Do you need change?
Yes! is the response all over this country,
All over the land,
Please give it freely as I hold up my hands,
Our souls now worth a dollar and 5 cents,
More even less,
Try a quarter, fifty cents,
Crime on every level,
Upheaval and unrest,
Every time a tear falls,
Because a gunman was allowed to run through school
Each time the bodies lay still on floors and grounds everywhere,
And when the answer is silence,
Simply silence,
Silence to pleas for help,
Cruel responses to despair,
Yet the silence to souls leaving this earth has troubled
The heavens,
And from God who cares,
Do you remember God?
He lives in heaven,
But “His” holy spirit abides here,
Do “We” as a people of moral conscience demand change,
Why change is the only measure that we will settle for,
Enough is enough,
Enough is enough,
Enough is enough is our cry, our stance,
Without waiver,
Without fear,
Until we can reach 18th birthdays again,
Until we can sing birthday songs to faces not
Sent to heaven,
Until we safely graduate youth from college,
Until we cultivate intelligent human beings mentoring
And soring,
Until there are well-adjusted beings and with loving hearts
and minds,
That have been allowed to function and mature, thrive,
Until “WE” as a people are living the “Dream,”
So famously denoted by Dr. Martin Luther King,
You know, you do remember the proclamation: “I Have A Dream,”
Do you speak change language?
Most definitely,
With every breath I take,
With every prayer I pray,
With every poem I write,
With every speech I make,
With every step I take,
And with every tear that falls from my eyes as
They pour down my face,
And with every commitment to violence to forsake,
I stand with those who now must defend their selves
From such onslaughts of violence and disgrace,
Relying on God their very being and soul to defend,
Protect and relive here in this place from the evils of men,
For my being is overwhelmed from enduring
Pain, hurt, disappointment and sorrow,
From watching destroyed lives that will never here
on earth see another tomorrow,
Because of senseless fools whose others’ lives they
choose to abuse, abolish,
Obliterate, marginalize, disgrace, and just simply hate,
They openly leave bloodshed, dread, horror, and filth,
They pride their selves with acts of violence such as murder, rape,
Kidnapping, thievery, bullying, mind and physical assaults
on a continuous basis,
So enough is enough,
Enough is enough,
When will the children go to school without fearing for
their lives again?
When will sanity return and not sin and disdain,
When will the array of victims of every kind of crime invented
And imagined stop being allowed?
When will you choose not to silence and not to care
Or hear our protest and cries?
Will it be when Jesus comes and takes the best of the
best out of here?
Saved, sanctified, and able to fly with angelic wings in the air,
Enough is enough!
Time to make America great again,
Time to make her people safe far and wide across our land,
Keeping them safe from organized crime,
From deathly fates,
Bullying and cruel hate,
Time to change what is called care cause it ain’t
Getting nothing done around here,
And in fact, it is getting worse,
I can’t count the candles,
I can’t count the balloons,
I can’t count the teddy bears,
I can’t count the tributes,
I can’t count the I am sorry for your lost statements,
I can’t count the visuals or their prayers,
Or the funerals,
I can’t count the the number of feet that walked in those
Pairs of shoes that seem unending,
Or the endless nights and days of sorrowing over loved ones
Now a statistic,
Now gone, not here,
I can’t count the minds that no words said will ever mend,
Or hearts sorrowing and bewildered about their very own tomorrow,
Or the inner minds of those screaming with grief inside from
Agony and pain,
Or the never, ever, moments,
They just will never ever be again,
Or the ignorant who claim that they are just
taking revenge,
Or the mind sets who excuse their crime reddened
Actions because it has become a popular
thing to do to fit in,
The scripture has the solutions, guidance, to all this
My friend,
Change is what is demanded,
Again and again,
You must change the fate of young lives,
Give them back their dreams, hopes, sense of security,
Wholesome fun, and protection,
Dreams and not schemes,
Not planned violence and manipulation to further your
Adulterated missions,
And pocket sin filling God objected riches,
I call you to the front of these conditions,
You know who you are,
To answer for your tolerance of such atrocities,
And your vacantly attitude of ignorant silence,
I remove you from your comforts as you sit and ignore all,
Then with pen and pencils bring about more disaster and
Not peace but indifference, and more wars,
Yet you claim it is me, us, that you care about, see, and hear,
Then how come I and others are steady victims of crimes,
We keep landing in the streets, and on the streets,
With no more dreams,
And no more voices,
And no more chances to fulfill goals, plans,
Dream and flourish without fear of moral choices,
How come we do not finish well,
Go to college safely or abide simply in elementary settings
Protected, with tools, pens, pencils, books, and supplies,
And when help is asked,
You say be satisfied,
While every year without this it is bare minimum,
Pure pandemonium, pure hell,
So here is the voice from those who were slain,
They need to tell just what they could have been,
I could have changed the world through song with my
Voice singing,
Through my writings as a poet,
Or as a playwright with the stories I wrote, created,
Through my paintings as an artist with my works on display,
Maybe in a museum,
Or maybe items I created through arts and craft created things,
Maybe profound works with sculpture, or other mediums,
Or just simple educated giving care as an inspiring health worker,
Through my vision as an architect, create blue prints of mind
awe inspiring structures,
Or have become an honest politician,
For an office here or there,
God knows that we need this change today,
Now and in the future,
God will bring about the change for all who have fallen,
They will not be forgotten or unmentioned,
And when the flowers are brought and on display,
And when candles are sought and lit from hand to hand,
And when the balloons are let go in the air with messages
Included in them,
Filled with slips of message paper floating over hills and
Mountains far and near,
It will represent a jubilee, a celebration,
Because change has interrupted the current maze
of despondency, frustration, and discouragement,
Shameful political games,
Because change has plundered the present atrocities and
Revitalized our dreams, hopes, aspirations, and brought
With it tranquility,
Stability and favor,
No matter the race,
No matter the creed or nationality,
Age, or dwelling places that be,
It brought back strength of the people,
United them in love, security and peace,
With justice for all and a sense of pride and dignity,
And when we pledge to that grand and glorious red, white and blue,
We know without a doubt that its waving means the protection of all,
So, we stand appreciating the struggle that it took to overcome,
The senseless, insanity, violent scenes,
Paraded and once plotted and schemed,
Knowing that forever no more, no more,
No more,
No more,
No more,
No because 6 minutes of never ever will ever be again,
Or any count of death moments,
10 or 15, it is just endless and senseless,
Yet ignored and viewed as a complaint,
No more lying still on floors and in coffins everywhere
ever, ever again from senseless shooting done by gunmen,
From senseless crimes,
Because we were vulnerable and defenseless,
Enough is enough,
I have had enough!
We have had enough!
And now I stand here because I have demanded change,
We take a stand together,
And change came,
For our nation and throughout America,
Across this God blessed dwelling,
From sea to sea,
Country to country,
Land to land.
Author Thelma C. Cunningham


Poetically Speaking: Artistically

Help “ME” Celebrate Y’all!

Hard work!

Thanks be to God!

The contents are as I usually do:

Spiritual, Love, Everyday, Something for the young at heart.

from 1-99.

100 brand new songs. This year I will be working on my songs in studio. Praise God!
















Yesterday I began to observe what has surely beckoned a response from me as a writer and I say this very humbly. I have posted responses to various society events on and off but I said to this I was not. I guess I just cannot tell the writer in me when a message wil come forth with a response. So I hope inspiration or what ever comfort or guidance it may bring will be sufficient.
We need change,
Our United States of America,
For under God we are to govern,
Under God, we as a people, are suppose too have
our rights and freedoms, Our “Dreams,”
Our freedom of religious worship, provision of safety and
Granted equality, and opportunities to prosper, dream,
Supported moral choices, and freedom of our voices,
Not silenced and ignored,
As “Americans,” across this land,
A law-abiding government is supposed to be our stance,
Our stand,
Not the almighty dollar,
Not the green and white race,
Not dismissing of our existence, voices, or faces,
Our destiny, or any and all plans,
For our beings, our safety and dreams are what takes presidency,
And so, for all these actions comes strong rebukes,
And reprimands,
From God our “Father,”
And change He does and will demand,
Do you need change?
Yes! is the response all over this country,
All over the land,
Please give it freely as I hold up my hands,
Our souls now worth a dollar and 5 cents,
More even less,
Try a quarter, fifty cents,
Crime on every level,
Upheaval and unrest,
Every time a tear falls,
Because a gunman was allowed to run through school
Each time the bodies lay still on floors and grounds everywhere,
And when the answer is silence,
Simply silence,
Silence to pleas for help,
Cruel responses to despair,
Yet the silence to souls leaving this earth has troubled
The heavens,
And from God who cares,
Do you remember God?
He lives in heaven,
But “His” holy spirit abides here,
Do “We” as a people of moral conscience demand change,
Why change is the only measure that we will settle for,
Enough is enough,
Enough is enough,
Enough is enough is our cry, our stance,
Without waiver,
Without fear,
Until we can reach 18th birthdays again,
Until we can sing birthday songs to faces not
Sent to heaven,
Until we safely graduate youth from college,
Until we cultivate intelligent human beings mentoring
And soring,
Until there are well-adjusted beings and with loving hearts
and minds,
That have been allowed to function and mature, thrive,
Until “WE” as a people are living the “Dream,”
So famously denoted by Dr. Martin Luther King,
You know, you do remember the proclamation: “I Have A Dream,”
Do you speak change language?
Most definitely,
With every breath I take,
With every prayer I pray,
With every poem I write,
With every speech I make,
With every step I take,
And with every tear that falls from my eyes as
They pour down my face,
And with every commitment to violence to forsake,
I stand with those who now must defend their selves
From such onslaughts of violence and disgrace,
Relying on God their very being and soul to defend,
Protect and relive here in this place from the evils of men,
For my being is overwhelmed from enduring
Pain, hurt, disappointment and sorrow,
From watching destroyed lives that will never here
on earth see another tomorrow,
Because of senseless fools whose others’ lives they
choose to abuse, abolish,
Obliterate, marginalize, disgrace, and just simply hate,
They openly leave bloodshed, dread, horror, and filth,
They pride their selves with acts of violence such as murder, rape,
Kidnapping, thievery, bullying, mind and physical assaults
on a continuous basis,
So enough is enough,
Enough is enough,
When will the children go to school without fearing for
their lives again?
When will sanity return and not sin and disdain,
When will the array of victims of every kind of crime invented
And imagined stop being allowed?
When will you choose not to silence and not to care
Or hear our protest and cries?
Will it be when Jesus comes and takes the best of the
best out of here?
Saved, sanctified, and able to fly with angelic wings in the air,
Enough is enough!
Time to make America great again,
Time to make her people safe far and wide across our land,
Keeping them safe from organized crime,
From deathly fates,
Bullying and cruel hate,
Time to change what is called care cause it ain’t
Getting nothing done around here,
And in fact, it is getting worse,
I can’t count the candles,
I can’t count the balloons,
I can’t count the teddy bears,
I can’t count the tributes,
I can’t count the I am sorry for your lost statements,
I can’t count the visuals or their prayers,
Or the funerals,
I can’t count the the number of feet that walked in those
Pairs of shoes that seem unending,
Or the endless nights and days of sorrowing over loved ones
Now a statistic,
Now gone, not here,
I can’t count the minds that no words said will ever mend,
Or hearts sorrowing and bewildered about their very own tomorrow,
Or the inner minds of those screaming with grief inside from
Agony and pain,
Or the never, ever, moments,
They just will never ever be again,
Or the ignorant who claim that they are just
taking revenge,
Or the mind sets who excuse their crime reddened
Actions because it has become a popular
A thing to do to fit in,
The scripture has the solutions, guidance, to all this
My friend,
Change is what is demanded,
Again and again,
You must change the fate of young lives,
Give them back their dreams, hopes, sense of security,
Wholesome fun, and protection,
Dreams and not schemes,
Not planned violence and manipulation to further your
Adulterated missions,
And pocket sin filling God objected riches,
I call you to the front of these conditions,
You know who you are,
To answer for your tolerance of such atrocities,
And your vacantly attitude of ignorant silence,
I remove you from your comforts as you sit and ignore all,
Then with pen and pencils bring about more disaster and
Not peace but indifference, and more wars,
Yet you claim it is me, us, that you care about, see, and hear,
Then how come I and others are steady victims of crimes,
We keep landing in the streets, and on the streets,
With no more dreams,
And no more voices,
And no more chances to fulfill goals, plans,
Dream and flourish without fear of moral choices,
How come we do not finish well,
Go to college safely or abide simply in elementary settings
Protected, with tools, pens, pencils, books, and supplies,
And when help is asked,
You say be satisfied,
While every year without this it is bare minimum,
Pure pandemonium, pure hell,
So here is the voice from those who were slain,
They need to tell just what they could have been,
I could have changed the world through song with my
Voice singing,
Through my writings as a poet,
Or as a playwright with the stories I wrote, created,
Through my paintings as an artist with my works on display,
Maybe in a museum,
Or maybe items I created through arts and craft created things,
Maybe profound works with sculpture, or other mediums,
Or just simple educated giving care as an inspiring health worker,
Through my vision as an architect, create blue prints of mind
awe inspiring structures,
Or have become an honest politician,
For an office here or there,
God knows that we need this change today,
Now and in the future,
God will bring about the change for all who have fallen,
They will not be forgotten or unmentioned,
And when the flowers are brought and on display,
And when candles are sought and lit from hand to hand,
And when the balloons are let go in the air with messages
Included in them,
Filled with slips of message paper floating over hills and
Mountains far and near,
It will represent a jubilee, a celebration,
Because change has interrupted the current maze
of despondency, frustration, and discouragement,
Shameful political games,
Because change has plundered the present atrocities and
Revitalized our dreams, hopes, aspirations, and brought
With it tranquility,
Stability and favor,
No matter the race,
No matter the creed or nationality,
Age, or dwelling places that be,
It brought back strength of the people,
United them in love, security and peace,
With justice for all and a sense of pride and dignity,
And when we pledge to that grand and glorious red, white and blue,
We know without a doubt that its waving means the protection of all,
So, we stand appreciating the struggle that it took to overcome,
The senseless, insanity, violent scenes,
Paraded and once plotted and schemed,
Knowing that forever no more, no more,
No more,
No more,
No more,
No because 6 minutes of never ever will ever be again,
Or any count of death moments,
10 or 15, it is just endless and senseless,
Yet ignored and viewed as a complaint,
No more lying still on floors and in coffins everywhere
ever, ever again from senseless shooting done by gunmen,
From senseless crimes,
Because we were vulnerable and defenseless,
Enough is enough,
I have had enough!
We have had enough!
And now I stand here because I have demanded change,
We take a stood together,
And change came,
For our nation and throughout America,
Across this God blessed dwelling,
From sea to sea,
Country to country,
Land to land.
Author Thelma C. Cunningham


Yesterday I began to observe what has surely beckoned a response from me as a writer and I say this very humbly. I have posted responses to various society events on and off but I said to this I was not. I guess I just cannot tell the writer in me when a message wil come forth with a response. So I hope inspiration or what ever comfort or guidance it may bring will be sufficient.
We need change,
Our United States of America,
For under God we are to govern,
Under God, we as a people, are suppose too have
our rights and freedoms, Our “Dreams,”
Our freedom of religious worship, provision of safety and
Granted equality, and opportunities to prosper, dream,
Supported moral choices, and freedom of our voices,
Not silenced and ignored,
As “Americans,” across this land,
A law-abiding government is supposed to be our stance,
Our stand,
Not the almighty dollar,
Not the green and white race,
Not dismissing of our existence, voices, or faces,
Our destiny, or any and all plans,
For our beings, our safety and dreams are what takes presidency,
And so, for all these actions comes strong rebukes,
And reprimands,
From God our “Father,”
And change He does and will demand,
Do you need change?
Yes! is the response all over this country,
All over the land,
Please give it freely as I hold up my hands,
Our souls now worth a dollar and 5 cents,
More even less,
Try a quarter, fifty cents,
Crime on every level,
Upheaval and unrest,
Every time a tear falls,
Because a gunman was allowed to run through school
Each time the bodies lay still on floors and grounds everywhere,
And when the answer is silence,
Simply silence,
Silence to pleas for help,
Cruel responses to despair,
Yet the silence to souls leaving this earth has troubled
The heavens,
And from God who cares,
Do you remember God?
He lives in heaven,
But “His” holy spirit abides here,
Do “We” as a people of moral conscience demand change,
Why change is the only measure that we will settle for,
Enough is enough,
Enough is enough,
Enough is enough is our cry, our stance,
Without waiver,
Without fear,
Until we can reach 18th birthdays again,
Until we can sing birthday songs to faces not
Sent to heaven,
Until we safely graduate youth from college,
Until we cultivate intelligent human beings mentoring
And soring,
Until there are well-adjusted beings and with loving hearts
and minds,
That have been allowed to function and mature, thrive,
Until “WE” as a people are living the “Dream,”
So famously denoted by Dr. Martin Luther King,
You know, you do remember the proclamation: “I Have A Dream,”
Do you speak change language?
Most definitely,
With every breath I take,
With every prayer I pray,
With every poem I write,
With every speech I make,
With every step I take,
And with every tear that falls from my eyes as
They pour down my face,
And with every commitment to violence to forsake,
I stand with those who now must defend their selves
From such onslaughts of violence and disgrace,
Relying on God their very being and soul to defend,
Protect and relive here in this place from the evils of men,
For my being is overwhelmed from enduring
Pain, hurt, disappointment and sorrow,
From watching destroyed lives that will never here
on earth see another tomorrow,
Because of senseless fools whose others’ lives they
choose to abuse, abolish,
Obliterate, marginalize, disgrace, and just simply hate,
They openly leave bloodshed, dread, horror, and filth,
They pride their selves with acts of violence such as murder, rape,
Kidnapping, thievery, bullying, mind and physical assaults
on a continuous basis,
So enough is enough,
Enough is enough,
When will the children go to school without fearing for
their lives again?
When will sanity return and not sin and disdain,
When will the array of victims of every kind of crime invented
And imagined stop being allowed?
When will you choose not to silence and not to care
Or hear our protest and cries?
Will it be when Jesus comes and takes the best of the
best out of here?
Saved, sanctified, and able to fly with angelic wings in the air,
Enough is enough!
Time to make America great again,
Time to make her people safe far and wide across our land,
Keeping them safe from organized crime,
From deathly fates,
Bullying and cruel hate,
Time to change what is called care cause it ain’t
Getting nothing done around here,
And in fact, it is getting worse,
I can’t count the candles,
I can’t count the balloons,
I can’t count the teddy bears,
I can’t count the tributes,
I can’t count the I am sorry for your lost statements,
I can’t count the visuals or their prayers,
Or the funerals,
I can’t count the the number of feet that walked in those
Pairs of shoes that seem unending,
Or the endless nights and days of sorrowing over loved ones
Now a statistic,
Now gone, not here,
I can’t count the minds that no words said will ever mend,
Or hearts sorrowing and bewildered about their very own tomorrow,
Or the inner minds of those screaming with grief inside from
Agony and pain,
Or the never, ever, moments,
They just will never ever be again,
Or the ignorant who claim that they are just
taking revenge,
Or the mind sets who excuse their crime reddened
Actions because it has become a popular
A thing to do to fit in,
The scripture has the solutions, guidance, to all this
My friend,
Change is what is demanded,
Again and again,
You must change the fate of young lives,
Give them back their dreams, hopes, sense of security,
Wholesome fun, and protection,
Dreams and not schemes,
Not planned violence and manipulation to further your
Adulterated missions,
And pocket sin filling God objected riches,
I call you to the front of these conditions,
You know who you are,
To answer for your tolerance of such atrocities,
And your vacantly attitude of ignorant silence,
I remove you from your comforts as you sit and ignore all,
Then with pen and pencils bring about more disaster and
Not peace but indifference, and more wars,
Yet you claim it is me, us, that you care about, see, and hear,
Then how come I and others are steady victims of crimes,
We keep landing in the streets, and on the streets,
With no more dreams,
And no more voices,
And no more chances to fulfill goals, plans,
Dream and flourish without fear of moral choices,
How come we do not finish well,
Go to college safely or abide simply in elementary settings
Protected, with tools, pens, pencils, books, and supplies,
And when help is asked,
You say be satisfied,
While every year without this it is bare minimum,
Pure pandemonium, pure hell,
So here is the voice from those who were slain,
They need to tell just what they could have been,
I could have changed the world through song with my
Voice singing,
Through my writings as a poet,
Or as a playwright with the stories I wrote, created,
Through my paintings as an artist with my works on display,
Maybe in a museum,
Or maybe items I created through arts and craft created things,
Maybe profound works with sculpture, or other mediums,
Or just simple educated giving care as an inspiring health worker,
Through my vision as an architect, create blue prints of mind
awe inspiring structures,
Or have become an honest politician,
For an office here or there,
God knows that we need this change today,
Now and in the future,
God will bring about the change for all who have fallen,
They will not be forgotten or unmentioned,
And when the flowers are brought and on display,
And when candles are sought and lit from hand to hand,
And when the balloons are let go in the air with messages
Included in them,
Filled with slips of message paper floating over hills and
Mountains far and near,
It will represent a jubilee, a celebration,
Because change has interrupted the current maze
of despondency, frustration, and discouragement,
Shameful political games,
Because change has plundered the present atrocities and
Revitalized our dreams, hopes, aspirations, and brought
With it tranquility,
Stability and favor,
No matter the race,
No matter the creed or nationality,
Age, or dwelling places that be,
It brought back strength of the people,
United them in love, security and peace,
With justice for all and a sense of pride and dignity,
And when we pledge to that grand and glorious red, white and blue,
We know without a doubt that its waving means the protection of all,
So, we stand appreciating the struggle that it took to overcome,
The senseless, insanity, violent scenes,
Paraded and once plotted and schemed,
Knowing that forever no more, no more,
No more,
No more,
No more,
No because 6 minutes of never ever will ever be again,
Or any count of death moments,
10 or 15, it is just endless and senseless,
Yet ignored and viewed as a complaint,
No more lying still on floors and in coffins everywhere
ever, ever again from senseless shooting done by gunmen,
From senseless crimes,
Because we were vulnerable and defenseless,
Enough is enough,
I have had enough!
We have had enough!
And now I stand here because I have demanded change,
We take a stood together,
And change came,
For our nation and throughout America,
Across this God blessed dwelling,
From sea to sea,
Country to country,
Land to land.
Author Thelma C. Cunningham

Hello My Fellow Bloggers!

I hope all are well. I have not blogged in quite sometime. You see I was going through quite a stormy time and I know you say that this is when indeed you blog. I know. There were hurdles of pain and disappointment;oceans of sobs and moans; nights of terror as they say only in nightmares. And the pain, unexplainable. The understanding not to be found. Everyone is gonna experience the pitfalls of life to some degree, I guess. But it was my turn.  And yet as if it is still so unfair it still continues as I beg my God more than just why but why Me Lord. But then I gather my senses and smile at all the blessings that He grants through his power and His mercy. Especially since I know that within me dwells no goodness except that of the holy spirits intervention. So what do you do when the enemy insist on taking you down in defeat and have you never, ever, to rise ever again except in shame, pitifulness, and of no account? Just like a piece of tossed tissue used to wipe mucus on and then thrown in the trash. No value. No worth. Not a creature of God almighty created. Just mere slime to be afraid of and avoided.

Do you reassure your soul through God’s Holy word?

Do you tell yourself reassuring phrases like tomorrow things will be better?

Do you try to impress others hoping to find their mercy and possibly a smile?

What do you do when the world has turned cruel for you?

I see the videos of those who tell it by slides of paper.

I hear them.

However, I cry like no other because I know that this is not the answer and yet to the extent of suffering I do relate like no other.

But relax. I have enough faith in God to know that no matter what, God will settle every matter.

So on I go as a Poetic Soul. Song writer, singer, Art and Craft enthusiastic creator of beautiful things. Educator and Highly Educated. Yet to be recognized and declared as existing in God’s gigantic beautiful world.

I am a warrior. I was born one. So no matter what I fight on for myself as well as for others.

I count my many blessings. I cherish all goodness and favor.

Thank you bloggers. I just had to pour out a bit of my emotional stressfulness.

Pray for me I ask.  I will do the same for you as I always do anyway each day in my prayers.

And now may all your days find deliverance, solutions, and answers to your many prayers.th_051


My Winston, My beloved Dog died at about 12:45 March 30, 2015, My baby

Maltese-Dog-Pictures-1 I do not know what it feels like in heaven for my Winston right now, but I hope and believe that my Winston is running up and down everywhere without any pain or worry. Winston had epilepsy and diabetes.  He suffered much and last night I had to ruch him to the animal clinic only to end up saying my last good byes.  My dog was a Maltese.  I will not put his picture up because it is very painful right now But I will put a picture of a Maltese and later when I can stop crying so much about it, I will post a picture or two of my darling.  For those who had the pleasure of meeting my pet, he is in heaven now. Waiting to jump back in my arms one day. Prayer: Jesus, You saw fit for Winston to come to you last night, I cried and like no other, Yet I know others know my grief and tremendous pain circulating through my heart and emotions, Please keep him with you till I arrive, There with you will be no sickness ever again, There only healing and no more death, Not even of animals, Tell my Winston that I love him so much I love you too Jesus, Now help me understand this and go on, Amen To all who have ever lost a loving pet, Please give a shout out to Winston as a memorial. He was a good puppy and wonderful dog. Thank you!